Research Papers

The Impacts of the Canadian Residential School System

Between our known identities as peacemakers, and our recent efforts to help the Syrian refugees, it is difficult for some people to understand that Canada has not always been so giving. Canada’s history with the Aboriginal peoples is but one blemish in the history of this great Nation and is considered by some to be Canada’s genocide. Through colonization, the earlier settlers aimed to assimilate the Aboriginal peoples into the European culture. One of the ways this was done was by means of education (Indian Residential Schools). Within these schools the Aboriginal communities were devastated by a loss of culture, abuse, and many other injustices which lead to a variety of lasting negative impacts that can still be seen effecting communities today. This paper will be aimed at addressing these injustices and identifying the impacts that developed as a direct result of the Canadian residential school system.

Research Papers

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for the treatment of Adolescent Depression

Depression is a widespread concern among Canadian adolescents and seems to be on the rise according to current trends. Because of this, it is important to better understand the ways in which depression can be treated within this age group so that it can be handled appropriately. This paper works to analyse current literature in order to find the best practice approach(s) for the treatment of depression in adolescents.

Short Stories

A Perspective of Change

In this story we jump into the shoes of a person who is reflecting back on their experiences with adversity and change. Plagued by an acute sense of reality from a young age, this youth takes on a mission to save his family from the rut that they call life. From a childhood haunted by negative schema’s and feelings of abandonment, to an adolescent with a life altering realization, we follow this young person on their journey to self-discovery. No two stories are the same, and this is but one perspective of change.

Research Papers

Contributing Factors for the Onset of Suicidal Tendencies in Survivors of Childhood Physical Abuse

This paper looks at the connection between Childhood Physical Abuse (CPA) and the development of suicidal tendencies in CPA survivors. According to the research conducted throughout this paper, Suicidal tendencies have been known to develop in 3 aspects of a CPA survivors life: (1) behavioural aspects, (2) psychological aspects, and (3) environmental aspects. Throughout this paper I will be working to highlight the prevalence of this issue within Canada, background information relevant to both myself and this topic as a whole, Supporting research that works to prove this topic, and harm reduction and treatment approaches that can be taken to prevent the manifestation of suicidal tendencies from developing within survivors of CPA.